18 Feb 2015

DIET : Cara Kevin Zahri

Let bersifu with Kevin Zahri ...

Regardless of how your diet, uolsss be affected
check BMI, BMR and DCR first ni ... 3 sagt important thing in our daily food intake requirements. What is BMI and BMR what it is and what it DCR ???? Almost teacher fucking ..

BMI is Body Mass Index (BMI) or Body Mass Index (BMI)  is used to measure body weight compared to height uolss to make an assessment. BMI can be divided into four categories:   

1.  experienced less weight

2. The ideal body weight
3.berat overweight

so agak2 me which category ??. huhu.boleh off manually mcm ni:

Bmi usually measured as follows: -
Weight / height (m) x Height (M)
Examples zha 65 Kg body weight and height 1.60 M
65 Kg / 2.56 (* 2.56dapat results Darap had 1.60 x 1.60)
= 25 .4 (kg / m2) = Obese Class 1..huwaaaa..nak nangissss ...
Result :

or click ""  KIRA BMI ONLINE AUTO  (bg mereka2 yg nk mals about manual.huhu)


So dh dpt never BMI how ??? Now let seterusnya..Apa the BMR?

BMR is Basal Metabolic Rate , which is the basis of the number of calories we need to ensure our continued independence of the body (breathing, heartbeat, biochemical processes in the body),   
using the Harris-Benedict formula as follows:
Men : BMR = 66 + (13.7 x  KG ) + (5 x  CM ) - (6.8 x  age )
Women : BMR = 655 + (9.6 x  t ) + (1.8 x  CM ) - (4.7 x  age)
Example zha has: how many calories you have to take basic self-zha: 

655 + (9.6 x 65kg) + (1.8 × 160cm) - (4.7 x 28)
= 1,433.6 calories minimum.

Then, to get the DCR, when the BMR has been obtained, the value must be multiplied by the factor of 'us as follows: 
Sedentary  (little or no exercise) =  BMR x 1.2
Lightly active  (sports 1-3 days / week) =  BMR x 1.375
Moderately  active  (sports 3-5 days / week) =  BMR x 1:55
Very active  (sports 6-7 days / week) =  BMR x 1.725
Extra active  (sports 2 times a day) =  BMR x 1.9

mcm zha hari2 do zumba average in an hour every hari.So zha affected multiplied by the Very Active:


1,433.6 (Score Results BMR) x 1,725 ​​(Factor Activity)
= 2,472 calories-zha should take sehari..wow !!! It depends on what activities we buat.mkin many activities mkin many calories we perlulan..Tp mcm nk zha lose bdan mcmna ??

So we have to make a plan so that we do not eat more dr who had ditetapkan.Mcm zha now dah practice jngan mkn more dr 1000kalori day ??? Silly ...... cmne be to yee ... ?? Not hungry to ?? Jwapannya. No !! Got hungry too ... which is important to eat rice, not the current mkn hungry, stop eating before satiety, drinking water 1 cup cooked before eating. Sureee !! You will never go hungry. I believe it ???

Almost DGR advice from Kevin Zahri ...

nak diet mknla nasiiii but .... but ...

ok..jgn follow mana2 diet..buat diet taste nice sendiri..baru important hidup..yg control calories.

Self-important ... Enjoyyyy your lifeeee .....

1 comment:

  1. saya amalkan diet dengan mengira jumlah kalori yang diambil setiap hari. guna google aje cari.. alhamdullilah saya berjaya turunkan daripada 62 kg skrg 51.5 kg tanpa ambil apa2 suplement. so BMI saya yang terkini 22.89. tapi cara ini memang lambat lah. saya mula diet bulan 12/ 2015. kalau aktif bersukan lagi cepat turun, tapi saya x ada masa so seminggu tu dapatlah turun 1 kg aje.. boleh tengok blog saya..
